Training and Boarding with that "Magic Right At Home" Feeling

For Those Dogs Struggling With Moderate/Severe Behavioral Issues

Our Progression Based Style of training allows dogs ages 4 months and older to work at their own pace, as we focus on their rehabilitation through severe behavioral concerns. We do not give timelines in our PBBM Program and charge one rate no matter how long it takes to help your dog work through the concerns they’re having. 

Certain Behaviors take Years to habitualize. It takes time to build a relationship with your dog, time to change the Neuropathways in the brain, and allow time for coping mechanisms for stress management, to any situation you can imagine to be built.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dog who is struggling, CANNOT make lifechanging behavioral changes in two weeks if they haven’t worked through emotional baggage that is weighing them down. 


Behaviors Addressed in our PBBM Program:

  • Basic and Advanced Obedience (Sit, Down, Stay, Place, Come, Go, Drop It, Back Up)
  • Appropriate Leash Handling Skills (Heel)
  • Crate Training
  • No Door Bolting
  • No Jumping on Guests
  • Other Impulse Control Related Behaviors
  • Reactivity/Aggression Issues
  • Resource Guarding Issues
  • Phobias
  • OCD Type Behaviors
  • Negative Handling Behaviors (Grooming/Vet Acclimation)
  • Off Leash Reliability
  • Public Access 
  • More!

Our PBBM Program INCLUDES Canine Good Citizen Certification through the AKC, Lifetime Support, Unlimited Consultations for Life for the price of $3800. 

Our Programs ALWAYS include flexible payment plans, and Cash Discounts!

With over a decade's worth of experience working with some of the Valley's Most severe behavior cases, it is our pleasure to assist you in helping you and your dog achieve a happier quality of life.

My Akita-Chow Chow-German Shepherd mix of a dog has done A LOT of training in her short little life, and she really always has been the best girl. However, when my ex-husband and I split up, her problem behaviors substantially increased, and it made it hard for me to even walk her, take her on hikes, or really enjoy time with her outside of the home. Worse, I have an intensely busy schedule, and an emotionally draining line of work, which made it difficult to commit time to training her. On top of that, I moved across the country for residency and found myself taking on way too much alone.

When I spoke with Ohana the first time, it was clear they were going to give my little Zola the best care and provide her with the tools to regulate her emotions and impulses, better than I could at the time. As a soon to be Doctor in Clinical Psychology, I feel that the "bigger companies" often try to use pop culture psychology terms to sell dog owners quickly-not the case here. Chase and Sam very clearly know what they are talking about, and took the time necessary to explain rationale and procedure for everything they inteded to do with Zo.

The prices were BEYOND fair, and I never once worried that Zola wouldn't receive quality training and care--they even trimmed her nails multiple times and worked her through the process extensively (and she is not a happy girl during that). In sum, I would recommend Ohana to ANYONE. I'm incredibly thankful to have stumbled across such a quality dog training company in my new home of Utah, and I will only ever trust my lil' Zola girl with them here. Go Ohana!
The Arwood Family
& Zola The Akita Mix
Words cannot express how grateful we are for Ohana K9 Behavior Solutions. Our 10 month old cattle dog mix, was suffering from severe obsessive compulsive behaviors, anxiety, and agitation. He just didn't know how to relax or shut off his herding drive. Before we found Ohana, Bear was displacing all of his anxiety into light and shadow chasing. I can't even describe how bad it got. Our walls still show the proof from all of the damage he caused.

We looked at multiple trainers, and I just never felt good about any of them, until we found Ohana K9 Behavior Solutions. Sam and Chase have been amazing, and we immediately felt like they were the ones to help us, and we were right. We enrolled Bear in the Progression Based Behavior Modification Program, because of the severity of his needs. I am so glad we did! Bear graduated and he is doing amazing.

We have gained the tools to help him continue to become the most confident and best version of himself. Ohana K9 has really become an extension of our family in the best way. They treated Bear as one of their own family members, and continue to offer support and guidance to this day.

We plan on having all of our future dogs receive training with them as well. With how many different options they offer, we will always have the right fit for our dogs, present, and future! We look forward to working with them for years to come!
The McEwan Family
& Bear the Cattle Dog
We had heard about Ohana K9 from a friend of ours. I called to inquire and find out more information. They agreed to drive to our home to discuss the training options. During that initial visit, Sam and Chase did some training with our puppy, and she responded well to their commands. We could tell they knew how to handle her.

We had interviewed 5-6 other companies, and they weren't a fit for our Sophie Lou. We have had several dogs in the past, but Sophie had many issues, which we were not able to correct. We enrolled Sophie in their Progression Based Behavior Modification Program, and she was there for six weeks. During that time, we visited her on a weekly basis and saw real progress.

At the end of the training period, Sophie was much more manageable, and well behaved. She had learned several commands, and was able to stop the aggressive behaviors she had exhibited. Without Ohana K9, we would not have been able to keep our dog. We have recommended Sam and Chase to several people. We can tell they know extensively about dog behavior, and how to train them. They spent many hours teaching us how to maintain her training, and how to respond to the most complex commands.
The Carroll Family
& Sophie Lou the silver lab

Our Progression Based Style of training allows dogs ages 4 months and older to work at their own pace, as we focus on their rehabilitation through severe behavioral concerns. We do not give timelines in our PBBM Program and charge one rate no matter how long it takes to help your dog work through the concerns they’re having. 

Certain Behaviors take Years to habitualize. It takes time to build a relationship with your dog, time to change the Neuropathways in the brain, and allow time for coping mechanisms for stress management, to any situation you can imagine to be built.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dog who is struggling, CANNOT make lifechanging behavioral changes in two weeks. 

Our Progression Based Style of training allows dogs ages 4 months and older to work at their own pace, as we focus on their rehabilitation through severe behavioral concerns. We do not give timelines in our PBBM Program and charge one rate no matter how long it takes to help your dog work through the concerns they’re having. 

Certain Behaviors take Years to habitualize. It takes time to build a relationship with your dog, time to change the Neuropathways in the brain, and allow time for coping mechanisms for stress management, to any situation you can imagine to be built.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dog who is struggling, CANNOT make lifechanging behavioral changes in two weeks. 

Our Progression Based Style of training allows dogs ages 4 months and older to work at their own pace, as we focus on their rehabilitation through severe behavioral concerns. We do not give timelines in our PBBM Program and charge one rate no matter how long it takes to help your dog work through the concerns they’re having. 

Certain Behaviors take Years to habitualize. It takes time to build a relationship with your dog, time to change the Neuropathways in the brain, and allow time for coping mechanisms for stress management, to any situation you can imagine to be built.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dog who is struggling, CANNOT make lifechanging behavioral changes in two weeks. 

Our Progression Based Style of training allows dogs ages 4 months and older to work at their own pace, as we focus on their rehabilitation through severe behavioral concerns. We do not give timelines in our PBBM Program and charge one rate no matter how long it takes to help your dog work through the concerns they’re having. 

Certain Behaviors take Years to habitualize. It takes time to build a relationship with your dog, time to change the Neuropathways in the brain, and allow time for coping mechanisms for stress management, to any situation you can imagine to be built.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and your dog who is struggling, CANNOT make lifechanging behavioral changes in two weeks. 

During the minimum 5 week Board and Train Program, your puppy or adult dog will live with us and we will teach them how to successfully integrate into the human world. They will live around children, other dogs, cats, visitors, and will experience day to day life, as they would in your home, to learn how to navigate it in a healthy way. 

In addition to normal day to day family activities in our home, we do structured public access outings to places such as parks, dog friendly stores, hikes, and more!

Perks of Enrolling in ANY of our Programs:

Success Tools Included

Any/All Training Tools necessary for your puppy’s success will be INCLUDED in their Program Price. Our goal is to NEVER send our clients on a wild search for a product we recommend. Sizing is different in different products, and dog products are pricey. We size and order all tools your dog will need while they’re here, or during their program timeline.

Lifetime Support

Lifetime Support through Text, Phone Call Consultation, E-Mail, Facebook Support, You Name It. We are as accessible as possible to ensure you maintain the success you saw with your pup throughout it’s life.

Boarding Services

We understand it is difficult to find quality in a Pet Care Provider. We want all of our clients to be able to leave their furry family member with people who ALREADY know and love them. This also makes finding last minute boarding over the Holidays a breeze–Wink, Wink. Plus, we don’t overcharge for these services, think 50% less than our competitors.