Training and Boarding with that "Magic Right At Home" Feeling

Our Freedom Program is our most popular option, for many reasons. 

We teach your dog functional life skills to live alongside your family in a home setting, in public, and in nature. Paired with basic and advanced obedience, public access, and some light behavior modification, we will get your dog back to being a canine good citizen in no time! Plus, we also include the Canine Good Citizen Test with every Freedom Program!


During our Freedom Program, we work with you weekly and help build a healthy schedule based on your routine, teach you how to maintain public access skills and off leash reliability skills, and more! Owner involvement is crucial! We include you every step of the way. 

Skills Your Dog Will Master during their 4 weeks of training:

  • Off Leash Reliability 
  • Basic & Advanced Obedience
  • Impulse Control In A Variety of Environments
  • Appropriate Leash Handling Skills
  • No Jumping
  • No Door Bolting 
  • Mild Help With Reactivity & Aggression
  • Public Access Skills
  • No Counter Surfing 
  • Crate Training
  • & More!

This program is perfectly designed for dogs & puppies ages 6 months to 2 years, during those everchanging developmentally cognitive stages, but is suitable for dogs of all ages!



Our Freedom Program is Priced at $2400 and Includes:

  • Lifetime Support
  • Discounts on Boarding Services
  • 5 Days of Free Future Boarding 
  • Free Refresher Training 
  • Any & All Training Equipment we feel your dog/puppy needs to succeed (you don’t have to purchase any equipment)

Contact us today at 435-580-3125 to give your dog the Freedom they crave!

Our dog Dallas was in desperate need of some fine tuning. We wanted to be able to trust him when there are exciting things around as he had a habit of chasing after every dog, child, or tricycle that he saw. We enrolled him into the Freedom Program over the summer hoping we would be able to enjoy being dog owners again. Now, we bring him out for neighborhood barbeques and walk him off leash never feeling like his behavior is out of control. Our dog also is so much better behaved for new guests entering our home and doesn't and doesn't constantly try to invade their space. Chase and Sam are amazing at what they do. we highly recommend Ohana K9 Behavior Solutions!
The Casper Family
& Dallas the Doodle
We first found Ohana K9 as a last minute boarding stay over the holidays for our puppy Charlee. They were so kind and knowledgeable so we decided to switch over to a board and train program. Charlee was such a cute puppy, but full of sass and very stubborn. I was desperate for some help. I had never worked with a trainer before and my husband had lots of reservations. We weren't sure a few short weeks was enough to change behavior and had family go through a different trainer with little to show for it in the end.
Ohana K9 worked to find our our desires for Charlee and her personal needs. She became a member of their family and was well taken care of while we were out of town. Anytime I needed an update they were easy to get a hold of and quick to respond with updates on her training and overall care!
When we got back, we were impressed to see the growth Charlee had made in a week, but decided to have her stay longer to really help solidify what she had learned.
Adding time from One Week to Four Weeks was the best decision we could have ever made. Each week we met with them to work one on one with Charlee. During this time, they helped us understand her behavior and ways we were helping/hindering them. The progress we saw in Charlee over those four weeks was amazing!
I honestly was very skeptical and did not believe she could make much change in such a short amount of time and my daughter was worried Charlee would change into a robot. We were both completely wrong! Charlee is a little rockstar now. She is still full of personality and sass, but we understand each other better now. She takes direction well and is eager to work with us thanks to Ohana K9's amazing support, even my daughter is confident in how to work with Charlee.
I love that I can contact them at any time and work through our struggles going forward. I also love that I can continue to board Charlee in the future and know that she will be in a place with people who love her, understand her, and want what is best for her. If you are on the fence, or apprehensive about spending the money, don't be. This has made our lives so much easier. I don't worry when people come over anymore; Charlee doesn't jump on them. She stays in place when we ask her to (even around food and other dogs) and even my mother in law commented on how well behaved she is.
Get off the fence and do it, you will not regret it!
dog training Utah
The Elliott Family
& Charlee the Doodle

Frequently Asked Question For Our Freedom Program

Will My Dog Lose Their Personality?

We get this question quite a bit, and we understand why. With the lack of regulation in dog training, it leads owner’s to oftentimes be skeptics, and that leads a lot of trainers “drilling” obedience commands. It’s common to get the question, “Will my dog become robotic?”

We don’t do this. We are relationship based, and understand that compliance comes with trust first. Respect comes with trust. We want the dogs in our care to ENJOY what we ask of them, because they value the relationship they have with us. 

BUT–We ask the same of all our clients…

Are you expecting a robot to come home to you?

Do I have to use an E-Collar in this program?

No. But we HIGHLY recommend it. 




There are a couple of reasons: 

First, E-Collars are a very gentle and non-confrontational way to communicate with your dog (when conditioned appropriately). An E-Collar conditioned the right way should result in a positive reaction from the dog and create a very high level of handler engagement.

Second, the level of involvement, consistency and persistence required to achieve the same goals are much higher. You have to be more consistent for a longer period of time to achieve the same results, which for a lot of dogs IS FEASIBLE, and we prefer to go that route. BUT, for those very stubborn, free willed dogs, they usually don’t respond to these methods as well.

I don't get to see my dog for 4 weeks?!

Actually, you do get to see your dog! Since we take a very relationship based approach to training, owner involvement is one of our top priorities. It is imperative that the owner works with their dog to change their relationship. It is for this reason that you will come see your dog on a weekly basis while they’re with us, and you’ll even get to have them home for two trial weekends before the program is over. This approach allows us to see where you and your dog still need help, and continue to work on those items through out the remainder of the program.