Training and Boarding with that "Magic Right At Home" Feeling

Tired of scanning websites and seeing the old fashioned facility styled Board and Trains? Wanting something with a more personlized, less cookie-cutter style? We check all of those boxes! From Puppy Foundations to Behavior Modification for Moderate-Severe Behavioral Concern. We have the Professional Experience to repair or build your relationship with your Furry Friend!

puppy training foundations older puppy utah

Puppy Foundations 1

This short and sweet puppy program gives you the tools needed to mold your puppy into the confident, happy, and obedience dog you are needing!

puppy training jumpstart to off leash reliability

Freedom Program

Has your teenage pup lost every ounce of training they've had? Have they grown some troublesome behaviors from the ages of 5 months and 7 months? Does Off Leash Reliability sound like a dream? Then our Freedom Program is the right fit for you!

Puppy Training Freedom Program

PBBM Program

Has your puppy developed reactivity, fearfulness, anxiety, or other troublesome behavioral concerns? Then our Progression Based Behavior Modification Program is the best fit to get them back on track and in line with the correct developmental patterns for their age!

Puppy Training

Early Puppy training is one of the most fulfilling and important things you’ll do with your dog throughout it’s life! 


  • Your Puppy is going through their Critical Socialization Period between the ages of 10 weeks and 6 months of age. It’s crucial you learn how to help them gain positive and neutral exposure to the world they’ll live in!
  • Your puppy is going to be going through so many rapid growth spurts, which can make potty training difficult. Having the right help can make these early months easier for you and them!
  • Your puppy is learning how to feel about training, responding to you, and the world. Building a fun relationship with training is critical, and knowing how to do that in an appropriate way is crucial!
  • Your Puppy will go through “regression” phases around 4 months, 6 months, and 12 months as they go through adolescence. Hormonal changes in the body can turn your sweet little baby, into a hormonally fueled teenager! Knowing how to gain a beautiful relationship through these testy times guides you into their adult years smoothly!


Puppy training is essential for setting the foundation of a well-behaved adult dog. Investing time and effort into early training helps shape your puppy’s behavior, prevents unwanted habits, and ensures a strong bond between you and your puppy.

I haven't gotten my puppy yet, can you help me find a great match?

Yes! We specialize in pet matching, and absolutely LOVE helping our clients find the best matches for their homes and lifestyles. This is a crucial part in keeping our shelters and rescues EMPTY! Having a dog who is a bad match for your home, is like having a relative staying with you way past their welcome.

You love them, and you feel obligated, but it’s likely causing more tension than enjoyment. 


You should ENJOY your dog as they’ll be with you from 10-20 years!

Whether you go through a rescue, or a REPUTABLE/RESPONSIBLE breeder, finding the right match and having a temperament test done to make sure the personality is correct for your household, will set your family, and the puppy up for future success. 

Contact us about our Pet Matching Services and Puppy Temperament Testing Services Today!